Tel: +254 724 941880

What we offer
Our medical treatments
“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
World Health Organization

Treatment and programs
Huruma Tele Medical Clinic is not specialized in a target group. We treat everybody: men, women, children and elderly people.
Besides taking care of diseases and injuries of our patients we also offer special programs such as maternal child welfare clinics, free family planning clinic days, talks on HIV and productive health, child vaccination and cervical cancer screening days.
Maternal / child welfare
Our maternal child welfare clinics include antenatal, postnatal and child welfare clinics. Mothers come for integrated services. Routine profiles are done during pregnancy-stool, urine, Hemoglobin levels and Blood Grouping.Vaccination against Tetanus is given.
Because education is important, we offer not only maternal and child welfare clinics, but also information about malnutrition.

Malaria prevention
Malaria is a problem in many African countries, including Kenya and Kilifi. The risk of getting infected is everywhere except in the high altitude areas.
Malaria is transmitted by the female Anopheles mosquito, and using a mosquito net is a good malaria prevention. Therefore, we educate our patients about the disease, distribute mosquito nets to the population and treat patients who have become infected.
Family planning & reproductive health
Men and women come for family planning methods of their choice like Pills, 3 months injection, 3 and 5 years implants, intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUCD) and condoms. We also advise on Vasectomy and the Calendar method. We also provide counselling and treatment according to government guidelines for HIV and investigate suspicious cases. This is accompanied by health talks on sexually transmitted diseases and prevention.

Child vaccination
We vaccinate children including BCG for tuberculosis, DPT for diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus. We also check children for growth and development milestones which helps to know their nutritional capabilities.
Cancer screenings
We have designated cervical cancer screening days using the Via Vili-method (Visual Inspection With Acetic Acid and Lugol's Iodine). Any suspected case is referred for further management.

Our network
If we get a case we can’t manage we refer to a bigger profile Hospital within the Kilifi private practitioner’s network. All over the County there are more than 50 clinics that are part of the network. Those hospitals with bigger profiles than us are at Level 4, these do operations like Cesarean section, appendicectomy etc. However we work in collaboration with government facilities because of the same goal: A healthy Nation.