Tel: +254 724 941880
Our founders mission -support us
Joseph Katana comes from Ganze Sub-County, Ganze location. He went to Shimo-La-Tewa High school from 1977 to 1980. He joined Kenya Medical Training College in 1984 and graduated in 1987 with a diploma in clinical medicine. After that he worked for Kenya Ministry of Health for ten years before he joined the family planning private sector for another five years.
After seeing a Public Hospital being overwhelmed by a large number of patients with some not accessing care for long hours he decided to do something for those people. This is why he and Beatrice, who has Secondary School education and is trained in secretarial work, founded Huruma Tele Medical Clinic. Huruma is Swahili and means compassion in English.
Today Joseph is clinical officer in charge, Beatrice is the financial director. Together with their seven coworkers they provide health care in a rural area at a subsidized cost. So that even the poor people can afford treatment.
Your donation helps us to help our patients
Because we also treat patients who can only partially or not at all pay for the costs of treatment and medication themselves, we depend on donations.
What support does Huruma Tele Medical Care need?We are happy about any support - financial support as well as donations in kind.
How can one donate money?We appreciate donations via paypal or regular bank transfer. paypal: Equity Bank Account number: 1060170403947 Bank code: 068 Bank branch: Kilifi Branch code: 106 Swift code: EQBLKENA
What are potential donations in kind?On the one hand, we need furnishings such as chairs for the waiting room or patient beds. But generators that ensure the power supply are also important. And of course medical equipment.
What medical equipment is needed?We need for example: Adult Weighing scales Ambubag assorted Autoclave Baby Weighing scales Bedside Cabinets Blood pressure machines Blood roller mixer Centrifuges Clutches assorted Delivery Beds Drop stanches Drug Trolleys ENT diagnostic set Examination Couches Examination Lamps Fetal doper machine Hematology machine Infrared Thermometer Laboratory incubator Microscopes Nebulazer machine Orbital shaker Oxygen Cylinder with Apparatus Patient beds Patient Trolleys Radiant Baby warmed Revolving stools Scanning machine Stethoscopes Stretcher Suction machine Vein Finder Walking frames assorted Ward screens Wheelchaires assorted X-Ray machine
How do the donations get to Kenya?The equipment can be bought locally in Kenya - for example from ISIS Medical Supplies LTD, a local supplier in Nairobi. But donations from Europe also reach us. For example, via overseas containers as you can see in the video below.